Information for Residents

Gated Community

Weiti Bay is private to residents, owners and their guests. All of the roads, common infrastructure and common landscaped areas are licensed to all 150 Weiti Bay residents and the Weiti Bay Residents’ Association under a perpetual deed of licence making those areas available for the use of residents. The one way entrance into Weiti Bay has a gate which requires an entry code. The property is electronically monitored and has 24hr video surveillance for security. The system mirrors similar gated community arrangements in New Zealand and overseas.

Weiti Bay Residents’ Association (WBRA):

The WBRA operates in a manner comparable to a local council and levies members for the cost of maintaining and operating the association itself. The WBRA is responsible for the Weiti Bay common infrastructure which comprises the private roads, stormwater, wastewater and water supply infrastructure, and the common landscaped areas. Every Weiti Bay owner is required to be a Member of the WBRA and comply with the WBRA Rules. The WBRA has a board of Directors containing a mix of residents and lot owner representatives. The current board was elected at the last AGM held in March 2024. The next AGM with be held in the first quarter of 2025. The board members are as follows:


  • Miles Davis – Chairperson, Resident 
  • Eyan Yu – Resident
  • Christine Segar – Resident
  • Blake Cameron – Resident
  • Evan Williams – Section Owner
  • Vladimir Blinov – Resident
  • Greig Pilkington – Resident
  • Stephanie Wallis – Resident
  • Russell White – Section Owner

Building at Weiti Bay:

Weiti Bay has been master planned and meticulously designed to create the 150 large elevated house sites with sea and native bush views. The house sites are surrounded by 163 acres (66 hectares) of private common land, green open spaces, native bush, wetlands and landscaped planting. The WBRA is mindful on ensuring the natural environment is protected and requires all buildings, designs and landscaping are in keeping with the environment. We have a carefully managed process for house and landscape design to protect all residents’ investments as well as the environment itself. All houses at Weiti Bay require the following approvals:


  • House design approval from the Weiti Bay Design Control Committee;
  • Landscape design approval from the Weiti Bay Design Control Committee;
  • Resource consent approval from Auckland Council;
  • Building consent approval from Auckland Council


Prior to submitting plans to Auckland Council for resource and building consent all Weiti Bay owners are required to first obtain approval from the Design Control Committee appointed by the WBRA Board. The Design Control Committee is responsible for ensuring house designs are compliant with the Weiti Bay Architecture Code and the Board is responsible to ensure all Design Control Committee processes have been followed accurately. The Design Control Committee of the WBRA is made up of two highly experienced independent professionals:


  • Architect – Dan O’Connor, Director/Owner, OCO Architecture Ltd,;
  • Landscape Architect – Brett Maclennan, Director/Owner, Topia Garden Design Ltd,  


The Architecture Code is designed to preserve the overall quality of development and value for every owner by ensuring certain standards are met but also giving owners significant freedom to build the house of their dreams. The Architecture Code is designed to protect owners’ and neighbours views through height limits, stepping, pre-approved building sites, and envelopes. Please refer directly to the Architecture Code for all detailed design guidance. To download the Architecture Code please CLICK HERE


The Approval is a two-stage process as follows:


  • Stage 1: Concept Design – House only
  • Stage 2: Developed Design – House and Landscape Design


Every owner is required to pay a one-off $2,000 fee to the Architect for the House design approval and a one off $700 fee to the Landscape Architect for the Landscape design approval. The fee structure mirrors similar gated community and Residents’ Association arrangements throughout New Zealand. Reviews are undertaken respectfully with each owners’ architect or building company in an efficient manner ensuring a transparent, timely and value added process for everyone. For more detailed information on the House and Landscape design approval process please CLICK HERE

Living at Weiti Bay:

Weiti Bay is striving to provide a safe, community minded coastal lifestyle destination in a premium setting. In order to deliver and protect this there are standard Rules and Occupational Bylaws of the Residents Association for all Lot owners.

Residents’ Annual Levies:

The Weiti Bay subdivision is designed to create a gated, private, secure community for the residents living within it and their guests. Accordingly, owners of lots at Weiti Bay receive the benefit of and share common use of private roads within the gated community, private infrastructure and substantial common open space. In return, lot owners share the costs of maintaining the roads, landscaping and common infrastructure. In order to meet operating expenses of managing the common infrastructure, general maintenance of the property, and administering the WBRA, each Member is required to pay annual levies to the WBRA. The Levy is currently set at $4,000 per annum per Lot and is billed quarterly.

Key contact details:

Residents Association General Enquiries:

Weiti Bay Sales Enquiries:

House Design & Approval Enquiries:  

Key Contacts

Residents Association General Enquiries

Weiti Bay Sales Enquiries

House Design & Approval Enquiries

Key Documents

Design Approval Process

Click here to view Approval Process